
Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Review: Sex Death Religion – 'Murder Motel'

Blending horror and edm / ebm, Canadian outfit Sex Death Religion walk the spiritual path of acts such as Lords Of Acid, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, and EMF. Delightfully demented and infectious, SDR mark their first release on Martin Bowes' Two Gods label with 'Murder Motel', an unashamed dance orientated instrumental track with its tongue firmly in its cheek.

The title track is a great blend of wub-wubbing bass, steady dance beats and the kind of samples you'd expect in old school Thrill Kill Kult tracks. The 'Deepnasty' version of the song follows on, further delving into that manic TKK meets Skrillex territory, while the remixes from Ympektid and The Associate explore a harder and then a more minimalist imagining of the original respectively.

In terms of production this is a nice straight-forward presentation that has a little bit of that early 90s acid house feel to it, but with a more modern, digital execution. It maintains a live performance presence throughout and as such keeps the energy high throughout.

This will not be everyone's cup of tea. It's edm and dubstep influences might be outright anathema to hardened industrial ears. However it is fun and annoyingly catchy, and would easily mix into a set of acid influenced electronics with ease. There's a long way to go before we can say SDR are the next Thrill Kill Kult, but this is a good step in the right direction.