
Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Editorial: September, 2016

Hello everyone!

The dark period of silence is officially over and Intravenous Magazine is in it's new home in the city of Lincoln. If you regularly send us promos through the post I will be in touch regarding the change of address this week.

Now that all of that stress is out of the way I can officially declare the submission period for the next compilation album officially open. As you can see above, the artwork is done, all we need now is your music. I will be emailing certain bands and labels this week, however if you feel like you have a kick0-ass track that you want to see included, drop us a line to and we will let you know the details of what we need and when we will need it by.

As an added incentive, the new compilation, and all the old ones from 1st January, will be converted to a pay what you will model with all of the proceeds going to a blood cancer charity. We haven't decided on which one yet but we will be contacting them this month as well.

The previous three releases have been very popular so far and are still available to download for free if you haven't already.

If you're a band and considering donating a track and are wondering what's in it for you? First of all it is free – there is no cover charge to be on the compilation as it is a download and we're giving it away for free! We make sure every release comes with an A4 PDF brochure containing band biographies as well as relevant hyperlinks that will take people straight to your web pages. We're happy to feature new blood as well as established acts and all submissions will be considered based on their individual merit rather than whether they are well known or not. So far we have featured a range of acts covering a wide variety of genres including Attrition, Be My Enemy, Aeon Sable, Ultraviolence, Noir, Three Winters, Grypt, Petrol Bastard, ѦPѺLLYѺN'S ▼ISѦGE, Ca†hedra, Human Traffic plus many more bands.

Sound good? So what will we need?

First of all, we'll need your track as a WAV file. We're ideally looking for something exclusive or new – it could be in the form of an unreleased song, demo, a remix, or live track etc. We'll then need a 200 word biography, your links and written permission to use the track and that's it!

General submissions will be open from September with a cut-off date to get the tracks and info to us by the end of November. Advanced copies of the compilation will go out to all contributors around Christmas, and we will also make copies available to radio shows/podcasters interested in plugging the release, with the general release being made available through out bandcamp for 1st January 2017.

That's just about where we are right now. If you have been trying to contact us regarding reviews and are waiting on a response, we can only extend our apologies, but moving is a stressful time and unfortunately it has taken a couple of weeks longer than initially anticipated. However, we will be trying to catch up with everything over the next few weeks, but please continue to be patient.

Finally, if you haven't already got them, go get our three download compilations from our bandcamp – so much free music! What the hell are you waiting for?!

And as always make sure you have these links in your favourites:

(You may have noticed if you followed us on TSU that the site is now dead - we will be removing our links to it in due course...)