
Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Review: Neurotech – 'The Ophidian Symphony'

'The Ophidian Symphony'

If the two stunning albums, 'Stigma' and 'Evasive', released last year by Neurotech (AKA, Ljubljana based multi-instrumentalist Wulf) weren’t enough for you, the Slovenian genre-defying composer and producer returns with a final parting shot to 2015 in the form of 'The Ophidian Symphony'.

The free single returns to the more metal influenced sphere of 'Stigma' but retains the expansive blend of ambient and classical influences that made 'Evasive' a joyous listening experience. Add in the ebm and industrial influenced electronics and you have a solid representation of the Neurotech sound.

At eighteen-minutes in length the song goes through several movements truly living up to the symphony part of it's title. The song is entirely instrumental, which on one hand is a shames as Wulf's vocals are great and he could pull off something quite interesting over the top of this music. However, on the other hand it is an impressive testament to the composition that it manages to hold your attention so strongly that it is about several minutes before you realise that no vocals have come in.

In terms of production it sounds brilliant. Wulf's studio prowess is reflected well once again as he manages to balance fast metal guitars and drums, groovy synths, and ambient elements in a way that preserves the accessible end of the band's song while keeping it's cinematic scope intact.

This may be an instrumental single but it is nonetheless a big statement. If Wulf can keep up the momentum he has built with stunning releases such as this and the last two albums then 2016 could be the year of Neurotech.