
Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Editorial: September, 2015

Invitation emails are flying back and forth out of our account inviting some great artists and bands to be a part of our third free download compilation. The response to the first two compilations has been overwhelmingly positive and I'm grateful to everyone who has downloaded them so far. If you're new to this site and haven't downloaded them yet, please click the album cover in the sidebar and download yourself a free copy of both of them from our bandcamp page.

Even though invitations have been sent I have no doubts we'll be able to make room for a few more artists who want to contribute. If you/your band fit the criteria please contact us via the form on our contact us page with subject “compilation” and a link to your music (soundcloud / youtube etc). We'd need all submissions to us by THE END OF NOVEMBER if we are to keep to the 01/01/2016 launch, so please keep that in mind!

Once again we'll aim for a shorter and more concise album that will probably be about sixteen tracks in length maximum rather than trying for a double album as we did with the first compilation. This time we are focusing on the darker, heavier and downright weirder end of the spectrum of bands that we cover. As you could have probably guessed from the above artwork.

As with the first two compilations we'll be looking for exclusive new songs, demos and remixes from new and exciting acts from around the globe. And again we'll be including a PDF booklet with the album that will feature biographical information and hyperlinks for every band and label featured.

Like I have said before, these compilations are a big job, and I put them together on my own. But it is done out of a belief in this website and over the past few years I've been humbled by the bands, artists, labels, promoters and most importantly the readers who believe in it and keep coming back to it.

I hope you'll all continue to download, share and recommend the 'Blood Pack' compilations and most of all support the artists, bands, and labels that submit new and exciting music to them.

Anyway, that's where we are with it this month. I'll be sending out requests to bands myself. But if you'd like to be considered, please feel free to message us.

And finally, make sure you have these links in your favourites: