
Friday, 30 January 2015

The weekly compendium 30/01/2015

That's the end of another week at Intravenous Magazine and we're already 1/12th of the way through the year. If you haven't already downloaded the compilation album, makes sure you do and check those awesome bands out.

In other news, here's what we had for you this week.

We kicked the week off with our best picks of 2014 – a little later than most zines, but we really had to have a good think as there were so many great albums released last year. We had reviews of the latest albums from The Mekano Set, Crest Of Darkness, AtariTeenage Riot and a great compilation from the Unsound America label. There was also festival announcements from Amphi Festival and Eurorock.

Over on facebook we had new videos from Rave The Requiem, and Mankind Is Obsolete. New music from XP8, Gothsticulate and 3Teeth. As well as news from Infest, Paradise Lost, and In Death It Ends.

Finally there was the sad news that Edgar Froese, founding member of the legendary Tangerine Dream has sadly died. Intravenous Magazine would like to take this time to pass on our condolences to his family. RIP.