Well if there is one
piece of news you need to know if your a fan of Nine Inch Nails and
living in the UK and that is the announcement of a one-off show at Scala later this month. If you're not a NIN fan then don’t worry!
Because we've still had plenty to get your teeth into.
I had my monthly ramble
in my Editorial column and we were given more food for thought by
Joel Heyes in his musings on The Sisters Of Mercy. In terms of news
we have had the word on a new album from Aeon Sable, and that Alfa
Matrix has re-released Unter Null's back catalogue.
In the reviews section
Dokka gave us the low-down on the new albums from Digicore and
Zinovia, while Dominic got his hands on the new Kartagon release. I
also weighed in with a new album from Aeon Sable's other band Deied,
as well as the new Amduscia double album.
Over on facebook there
have been new videos from the likes of Sine Division, Kervorkian Death Cycle, The Mission, The Hiram Key, Kirlian Camera and Lord OfThe Lost. For free music fans, Undustrial records are giving away
some old school Caustic releases and Deadfall Management have offered
up thirteen tracks on their new sampler. Also The Eden House have newtour dates up, and Black Tape For A Blue Girl have released a delectable Dead Can Dance cover.
That's it for this
week. I'll be avoiding the sun at a 1940's event in Cleethorpes and
taking advantage of booking off a long weekend, but we shall return
stronger, faster and sexier on Tuesday. For now I'll leave you with a
tie in to Joel's column...